Tips for Moving in the Summer
At first glance, the summer may seem like an inconvenient time to make a move. The months between June 20 and September 20 can be sweltering with heat, and it is often a busy time for working individuals. However, the summer has always been the most popular season to move, both according to residents and the real estate market.
So why exactly is the summer so popular? There are several financial, familial, and scheduling reasons why this can be the ideal time to make a move. By knowing these reasons, you can prepare for a great one.
- The weather is hot, but at least it’s not cold. Hot weather can be miserable, with high temperatures as well as humidity putting a damper on any fun plans that involve being outside. However, this weather does not cause serious hazards such as ice and snow. During the winter, cars can slip on icy roads and it may be impossible for movers to carry heavy furniture when there is a risk of slipping and sliding on the snow. The summer may be hot, but the pavement is dry and free from slippery hazards.
- The kids are out of school. This is perhaps one of the most advantageous reasons for moving during the summer. Not only can kids help with packing and moving, but this also gives them time to be introduced to a new neighborhood without worrying about transferring mid-semester. With one school year behind them and another in front of them, they are able to get a fresh start without hindering their education at all.
- The real estate market is always booming during the summer. Buyers and sellers are both looking to make a sale or a move. It is a great time for investment no matter what side of the real estate market you’re on.
- Garage sales are key. Summer is definitely the biggest garage sale season. With the kids home and parents looking for fun new toys, used clothes, or affordable decorations, garage sales can be found almost every weekend in a lot of neighborhoods. Take advantage of garage sale season by collecting any used or unwanted items and selling them for a profit. It will add some extra cash to your wallet or a contribution towards your moving budget.

Best Summer Moving Tips
Whether you’re a homebuyer, a seller, or a renter, these summer moving tips can help you have a stress-free moving experience while staying cool, calm, and collected during the sweltering summer season. Planning for moving day can be overwhelming and taxing, and with the added heat of the season, it is a hefty experience. Take these tips into consideration to ensure that your moving experience is positive:
- Plan your move ahead of time. Terminate your amenities early and cancel all services that are coming to the house. Don’t leave these important tasks for the last minute, or else you might become overwhelmed.
- Take a proper inventory of all of your belongings and start to pack up early so that you are ready long before the movers arrive. The earlier you get started, the better it will feel once the big day comes.
- Discard any unwanted or non-allowable items. There are several types of items that a mover cannot move, so make sure to do your research beforehand to find out what you’re taking with you and what you’re leaving behind. Properly dispose of or donate any unwanted items before moving day.
- Anticipate the amount of time you’ll need to accommodate your pets, children, or babies. Animals will need time to get used to the new home, so make sure all of their supplies are well taken care of.
The summer weather is no fun, but moving in the summer can be. Take advantage of the dry pavements and open schedules when considering the summer months for your move. It’s the most popular time to move, so you won’t be alone in your moving experiences. With the kids out of school for summer, it is a truly convenient time to embark on this journey.